Those who don’t have the disorder misconstrue and continue to promote misconceptions about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Those suffering may hide and shield themselves from possibly being hurt and shunned. They may feel ashamed or embarrassed. The fact is that there are still many people in society who have no idea that OCD can be paralyzing, and it should not be trivialized. Only those suffering can change things by letting the OCD Nightmare in their closet get out. The classic children’s book “There Is a Nightmare in My Closet” written by Mercer Mayer comes to mind. Here are some parallels: Prepare for the OCD nightmare to come out. The young boy decides he will defy the nightmare. He gets his weapons lined up and is ready to fac
Any parent who witnesses their children’s excruciating fear will instinctively react to protect, help, and comfort them. That is the expected and the right thing to do. However, when children experience fear due to OCD and anxiety, parents can learn the right skills. They can intervene in a positive way to help their children overcome their challenges and avoid overprotecting them. Grug Crood from the film The Croods comes to mind. Grug was an overprotective father and his favorite words were: “Never not be afraid!” His number one goal was to keep his family free from danger. Of course that advice proved to be ineffective. His belief was that other families had been destroyed because they had not been afraid enough! It turned out tha
There are numerous articles regarding mindfulness and meditation. Here is an infographic. What do you think?
[View original article published in here] Whether excited or unsure as to how the year will turn out, parents also need back-to-school “supplies.” This list will help every parent stay on the right track. Every year as summer winds down, most parents and children are ready for the new school year to start. Some parents may also be apprehensive if there were struggles and challenges with their children the year before. Whether excited or unsure as to how the year will turn out, parents also need back-to-school “supplies.” This list will help every parent stay on the right track. 1. MIRROR – Reflective listening and Validation. When children are happy, parents acknowledge their childre
The statement by Van Gogh can be true for anyone that learns how to defy OCD. It can be done! It’s not easy but it’s possible! Anxiety, guilt, and doubt are the prevalent feelings experienced by OCD sufferers. They have difficulty tolerating these emotions. When individuals are triggered and begin to obsess, they become overwhelmed by their feelings and will do whatever it takes to avoid feeling that way. For instance, James had fears of emotional contamination. He’d rather avoid certain friends than take the chance of experiencing a panic attack. Linda had fears of losing her faith and would stay away from triggers that produced anxiety, guilt, and uncertainty. Roy was worried about being near anyone that may carry an infectious dise
A friend forwarded me the link to Rebecca Brown’s videos and journal (Trich Journal). She is a charming young woman who is very artistic and funny and also suffers from hair pulling and skin picking disorders. I’ve watched some of her videos since I received her information. Rebecca is doing an awesome job in helping others understand that they don’t have to feel ashamed of their disorders. She is helping educate people, but most importantly, with her example, she is helping those that suffer. If you have questions about Trichotillomania and Skin Picking Disorders, please go to the Trichotillomania Learning Center website. I attended their last conference in April and it was very informative. Some of the material presented reg
[View original article published in Psych Central here] A child and his grandfather are at the playground. There is a high teepee set up with ropes and it looks challenging for the 3-year-old boy. His grandfather invites him to climb it. As he takes the first step toward the top, he hesitates and feels scared. His grandfather encourages him and tells him, “Sam, I know this is hard, but you can do hard things!” The young boy answers, “No! My daddy says I can only do easy things!” His grandfather smiles because he knows his son would never say that. He then encourages the young boy to climb the ropes one step at a time. When he gets to the top, his grandfather says to him, “See, Sam, you can do hard things!” Sam exclaims, “I can do hard thin
A TED talk about “Faking it until you become it!” Amy Cuddy talks about the research that has been done regarding non-verbal cues and interactions we have with others. She also talks about how our nonverbal expressions, thoughts, feelings and physiology affect us. We know that our minds can change our bodies and she decided to find out if our bodies can change our minds. Her research confirmed that indeed our bodies can change our minds and our lives in meaningful ways! She tells about her own personal story when she was 19 years old after a car accident. This TED talk is very powerful and I usually recommend clients to view it. If you experience social anxiety and doubts about yourself, this talk may greatly benefit you. E
[View original article published in Psych Central here] Four-year-old Max would crumple his paper when his drawing wasn’t perfect. He would start over, and often grow angry and eventually give up. His parents noticed his rigidity, but hoped he would grow out of it. When he was seven, the demands on himself and others were still troubling him and his family. His parents were frustrated. Are your children inflexible? Do they set high standards that overwhelm them? Do they complain of not having friends and feeling isolated? Do they procrastinate often? Do they go from one extreme to the other with certain behaviors, such as being studious and responsible academically to not caring at all? Do they beat themselves up and feel like a failure whe