We have 30+ years of experience successfully treating anxiety, OCD, and OC related disorders. We are NOT general practitioners. We are experts and we get results!

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We understand your pain and we can help! We have been trained to treat anxiety, OCD, and OC related disorders by renowned experts in the field. We provide anxiety, and OCD consultation and training for other psychotherapists.

OCD and Anxiety

Treatment is mapped according to your individual needs, with an integrative model that fuses traditional CBT and ERP with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).


Together, we can build and strengthen your adolescent's confidence, resilience, self-compassion, and vision for their future, regardless of their current mental health challenges.


We understand scrupulosity (religious and moral OCD) and the nuances and sensitivities that come with a religious culture. Learn how to get back to enjoying your religion and life!


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt terrified, helpless, powerless, or unsafe? We would feel honored to help you in your journey and be part of your healing process.

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Call (801) 427-1054 or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you are a current client, please send us a message through our Client Portal here.

Recent Blog Posts

Faith Crisis and Scrupulosity OCD

Faith Crisis and Scrupulosity OCD

After Sally’s clinician conducted a comprehensive assessment of her clinical condition, she said, “Your symptoms suggest that your challenges are linked to religious scrupulosity OCD.” Sally’s immediate response was, “I’d rather have a faith crisis than OCD!” Sally’s reaction was completely understandable amidst the enduring stigma and misconceptions surrounding OCD. It was natural for her to feel upset and overwhelmed, and the next step was for her to decide whether to pursue therapy or take a different path. Can you relate to Sally’s predicament? When doubts arise, has your mind ever hinted that they might be linked to a faith crisis? When individuals are deeply devoted to thei
You Are More Than Anxiety!

You Are More Than Anxiety!

More than a decade ago, college administrators placed a huge emphasis on entrance test scores. However, this is no longer the case as colleges have realized that academic scores do not tell the whole story about a person’s true potential. Just like students are more than a test score upon entering college, you are more than your anxiety. Many individuals grappling with anxiety tend to define their days and weeks solely based on their anxiety levels. “It’s only a good day if I’m not feeling anxious.” Do you resonate with this sentiment? In reality, you are more than the symptoms and challenges linked to anxiety. Your Life Pizza Imagine ordering your favorite pizza and discovering a slice with an ingredie
Religious Scrupulosity OCD, Uncertainty, and Doubts

Religious Scrupulosity OCD, Uncertainty, and Doubts

While Sally had developed psychological flexibility to respond to unpleasant thoughts and emotions, as discussed in June’s blog post, a few years later, she faced a resurgence of doubts about her religious beliefs. Some of her friends had experienced similar doubts and decided to leave their shared faith. Despite her lifelong attachment to her faith, she found herself questioning: “Are my friends’ concerns valid? Am I being too gullible as they suggest? Do I truly believe or am I simply staying because it’s familiar?” These questions seemed endless. Despite her efforts to find answers found online, she only became more confused. Uncertainty Nobody enjoys uncertainty, and life would be much simpler witho

Contact Us

3355 North University Avenue, Suite 100
Hartford Building at Jamestown Square
Provo, UT 84604


(801) 427-1054

A guide to help you find relief and happiness in spite of religious or moral OCD (scrupulosity OCD). Learn more about Annabella Hagen's book.
Imperfectly Good - Book by Annabella Hagen

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